Language is Like a Bridge

Learning a second language is like crossing a bridge. We make connections. When we travel we make connections. It is these connections that help us to open our hearts and minds to new experiences.

With grammar as its rails, the language bridge helps you cross the river and visit a new place and return home with a new perspective. You gain respect for that added skill.

Here at Bonjour La Force, we strive to make this experience interesting and stimulating with stories and materials to build skills, educate, and inform students of all ages. Whether you are a middle schooler or studying in high school, a parent, or a senior, you can learn and build your French language skills at Bonjour La Force.

Melanie LaForce taught my son something very important about language and learning. During the subsequent years, his grades continued to improve, completed AP French his senior year and passed the AP exam. The true test was when he spent the summer before college in Geneva, Switzerland. During his visit, he confidently and comfortably used French daily with the locals and while traveling through other parts of Europe where French was the dominant language.
— Student's parent